Mixed Media Creative Spa (5 Session Course)
Join me for a 5-session course that will help you know yourself better and explore your emotions through different art and craft projects. No art and craft knowledge are necessary. You will get a gift pack that includes a handmade junk journal, tons of handmade ephemera, a mini watercolor set, a water brush, and other materials that you can use in the sessions. All sessions are virtual at the moment. Each session is 1 hour and 15 minutes long.
Join me for a 5-session course that will help you know yourself better and explore your emotions through different art and craft projects. No art and craft knowledge are necessary. You will get a gift pack that includes a handmade junk journal, tons of handmade ephemera, a mini watercolor set, a water brush, and other materials that you can use in the sessions. All sessions are virtual at the moment. There will be five 1.5-hour sessions.
Please click here for more details.
Dee –
WOW! 5 Stars! This package of goodies is delicious. Beautiful!! I can tell there’s time and love that goes into these workshops. There is color, detail, depth, texture, diversity and intrigue. Opening it up was overwhelming just for all the bits and bobs that are pulled together for one to work with. The helps from Doris in working through each session has been a joy and I’m looking forward to more “surprises” in the journal! There’s so much to find, both in material, as well as personally as one travels through each session, each exercise, each expression and each technique.
Meichu CHAN –
Appreciation: 衷心欣賞Doris老師為這個課程預備了一個很精美和滿有驚喜的禮物包。Doris 在五節課堂締造了很輕鬆愉悅的氛圍,感受到她對學員的關心和誠意。這份”欣賞”,也延伸至我學習如何欣賞自己、自己的創作和別人的心意。
Creativity: 重拾對手工藝的喜愛,我曾經熱愛用雙手製作循環再用的物作,但隨著年月過去,工作和生活充斥人生,令自己遺忘了這份對手工藝單純的喜愛。我最喜歡是用布料縫製作品。以前我不喜歡拿針線,但這次,我們學習用不同的布料,用針線縫合成為自創的設計,一針一針地縫補的過程令人很放鬆和治癒,找到了新的趣味和久違了的創意。
Dakka –
Doris 更給我很多寶貴的意見,幫助我整理一下思想的模式,處事的態度等。我感覺自己比以前更自由,更懂得欣賞自己。原來美麗的人生是在乎你如何經營它。用彩虹、雲彩、雨點、花朵、笑聲、眼淚、恩典、愛⋯⋯